This document explains the actual business process of hotel booking. By using this functionality user can create new hotel bookings, amend & cancel bookings, so this document will help the user in navigating through all the aspects of Hotel business processes.
The purpose of this document is to make the target user understand full fledged functionality of hotel business process. Basically this is defined to train a user on various functionality of Hotel line as booking, queues, change request etc.
Its scope covers entire business functionality of Hotels which are as follows:
- Hotel Booking - Top Destinations (Domestic & International
- Hotel Queues – Bookings
- Cancellations Requests
- Preferred currency
Precondition : User should log In with agent credentials. Once the Agent logs in using his valid credentials, an announcement page would be displayed. Any updates / news with respect to TBO is given through the announcement page.
Menu Link: Hotels Search
Hotel Search module is another key module in the system which is connected to multiple hotel suppliers to provide the best option for any destination globally. In the hotel search screen the user needs to select the destination, the check-in and check-out date, number of rooms, number of passenger per room and click on the search button. User can also mention the hotel name and star category to make the search narrow and more relevant to his/her requirement.
The drop-down list of the city contains a predefined list of top destination. User can select the destination city from the drop down box.
A specific destination can be found from "select from list" link. As user click on the "Select from list" link then system display a pop up window.
Steps for selecting Domestic Destination City:
- Click on the "Select from list" link, System display a pop up window.
- Click on the name of the destination city.
Steps for selecting International Destination City:
- Click on the "Select from list" link, System display a pop up window.
- Select the name of the "Country" from the drop down box.
- Click on the "Go" button, system displays the city list corresponding to user selected country.
- Click on the name of the destination city.
If user wants to select the star rating of hotel, he wants to see on the search result page then he can accomplish this with the help of Star rating drop down box.
By default all hotel available corresponding to user selected destination city show on the search result page. But if user wants to narrow down his search by selecting the specific star rated hotel as per his requirement then he can accomplish this with the help of star rating drop down box.
After filling all the mandatory information like destination city, check in, check out date, no of rooms user has to click on that "Search" button. As user click on the "Search" button system takes user to hotel search result page.
The system makes multiple hotel suppliers to get the best option for the customer and displays on price sorted order (lowest to highest). The search result displays a shot description about the hotel, hotel name, hotel picture, star rating, source of hotel, price etc. Rate for each hotel in the search result page shown in the supplier currency within brackets (Dollar/Euro/Pounds).
If user wishes to change the search details, then he should click "Change Details" link. As user click on the "Change Detail" link system takes back user to the hotel search page.
This link is used to mail the Hotel details to the required person. User has to select the"Email" check box and subsequently to click the "Email Selected Hotels" link. As user click on the "Email Selected Hotels" link system show the small pop-up box. In which user has to enter the E-mail id of person to whom he wants to send the hotel itinerary detail. (Please refer the below Screen shot).
If user wants to see the cancellation policy corresponding to hotel then he can accomplish this with the help of The "Cancellation Detail"link. As user click on the "Cancellation Detail" link system displays the small pop up screen this screen consist the information regarding whether the hotel booking is refundable or non refundable and details like what is the date till which no cancellation will be charged, what is the amount of cancellation will be charged. (Please refer the below Screen shot)
If user wants to see the break up of the total fare corresponding to hotel then he can accomplish this with the help of the "Rate Breakup" link. As user click on the "Rate Breakup" link system displays the small pop up screen which shows the break up of the rate charged for booking a hotel. User can view the line item which constitutes the rate. (Please refer the below Screen shot)
The user can apply filter in the "Filter Hotel" section. Filters like hotel name, Location, Star Rating can be applied to get the desired hotel result.
Using this Filter link user can clear all applied filter on the hotel search result page
Hotel search result page display the short description about the hotel, if user wants to see the detail description corresponding to hotel then he can accomplish this with the help of "More Detail" link As user click on the "more detail" link, system displays the pop up screen which shows detail description of the hotel and Amenities corresponding to the hotel.
For selecting any specific hotel user needs to click on the "Choose this" button. As user click on the "Choose this" button, system takes user to the hotel passenger detail page. (Please refer the below Screen shot)
As user click on the "Choose this" button, system takes user to the hotel passenger detail page. On pax detail page user needs to fill guest detail like name, address and contact details. The user can also supply the flight information to the hotel supplier. This is helpful information for the hotel in case there is pick-up facility provide to the user by hotel.
If during the current stage of booking process user wishes to change the hotel then he accomplish this with the help of "Choose Another Hotel" link. As user click on the "Choose Another Hotel" link, System takes user to hotel search result page.
This summary gives the sales details with Rate, Number of Rooms, Number of Nights & Total Amount of booking.
Under this user has to fill up all the mandatory passenger detail field like: Name, Email, Phone, Address, City, State, Country.
If user wants to give the flight details to hotel then he can accomplish this with the help of "Flight Detail" option. Because this is helpful information for the hotel in case there is pick-up facility provided to the user.
After filling all the mandatory detail on the hotel passenger detail page user needs to click on the "Proceed to Booking Review" button. As user click on the "Proceed to Booking Review" button, System navigate user to the Review hotel booking page where user can review all the details with respect to the hotel as well as the passenger.
On hotel Review Booking page user needs to review the passenger detail and check on the term and condition check box and click on the "Confirm Booking" button for proceeding the hotel booking.
If user wants to amend the guest detail after reaching ReviewHotelBooking page then he can accomplish this with the "Edit Guest Detail" link. As user click on the "Edit Guest Details" link then system navigate user to the Hotel pax detail page, from where user can edit the Guest detail and then proceed for booking.
If user wants to Review the passenger detail on the Review hotel booking page then he can accomplish this with the help of "Show pax detail" link. As user click on the "Showpax detail" link then system shows a pop up window which consist the passenger detail.
Once the review is done, then user needs to check on the term and condition check box click on the "Confirm Booking" to move ahead and generate the booking.
5.3. Hotel Booking Confirmation
As user click on the" Confirm booking" system displays a verification Pop up box, which shows the hotel booking confirmation message "This will generate the voucher. Are you sure you want to confirm the booking" and booking cancellation policy. User needs to click on the "Yes" button. If user is agree with the cancellation policy and he wants to proceed for booking.
As user click on the "yes" button system generate the hotel booking and navigate user to the hotel booking page.
If user is not agree with the cancellation policy and he does not wants to proceed for booking then user needs to click on the "No" button on the confirmation pop up box. As user click on the "No" button. System navigate user to the Review hotel booking page.
As user click on the "Yes" button after verification on the verification pop up box booking proceeds and system takes user to the HotelBooking page. Then there are two cases exists.
Case 1. Domestic hotel booking
Case 2. International hotel booking
Case 1. Domestic hotel booking : As user click on the "Yes" button after verification on the verification pop up box booking proceeds and system navigate user to the hotel booking page. Once the booking is done the system provides a Confirmation number & Reference Number for the Domestic destination. In case of Domestic hotel booking voucher corresponding to hotel booking generate along with the confirmation no and user can see the voucher corresponding to the booking by clicking on the "View voucher" link given inside the booking detail.
When a hotel booking created a unique no assigned to the booking that is known as the confirmation no of hotel booking.
It shows the hotel name, hotel address, check in, checkout date, room, type, no of guest. Booking details consist the link of "View Voucher". Which shows the voucher corresponding to the hotel Booking. As user click on the "View Voucher" button system shows voucher of ticket which has created against the ticket. Voucher of hotel booking have the button of "Print", "E-mail Voucher", user can print Voucher and E-mail Voucher as per his need.
This summary gives the sales details with Rate, Number of Rooms, Number of Nights & Total Amount.
View invoice button shows the invoice corresponding to the hotel booking. As user click on the "View Invoice" button system shows invoice of ticket which has created against the ticket. Invoice of hotel booking have the link of "Print invoice", "E-mail Invoice", user can print invoice and E-mail invoice as per his need. If user wants to go back to the hotel booking page then he can accomplish this with the help of "Back" link. As user click on the back link system takes user to the hotel booking page.
6.5. Events Triggered After Hotel Booking Creation
- "Hotel Booking Queue" should be updated and the entry for the booking has been en -queued in the hotel booking queue.
- Ledger entry: One entry against the Hotel booking invoice amount should go in the user (agent) ledger.
- Hotel booking invoice amount should be deducted from the agent cash balance account.
Case 2. International hotel booking: As user click on the "Yes" button after verification on the verification pop up box booking proceeds and system takes user to the hotel booking page. Once the booking is done the system provides a Confirmation number & Reference Number.
In case of International hotel booking voucher corresponding to hotel booking does not generate along with the confirmation no and user needs to provide Passport Details. User has to upload mandatory document. Once user upload the Passport front and passport Address page from the his login then admin check and verify the passport detail. After verification Admin generate the voucher corresponding to the international hotel booking.
7. Hotel booking cancellation/ Change Request
Auto cancellation of hotel booking in TBO portal is not live for portal user(agent). If user wants to cancel the hotel booking then user needs to send cancellation request through portal. On receiving cancellation request TBO back office staff cancel the hotel booking and process the refunded amount to the user account.
Menu Link : Queues Hotels Booking
As user click on the Hotels Booking under Queue tab system redirect user to the Hotel booking queue. Hotel booking queue show the booking created by the user(agent). Filter the ticket user wants to cancel through various filter like Restrict ticket by hotel name, Guest name, Confirmation no.
7.1. Request cancellation pop-up to select passenger
After filtering the booking in the booking queue user has to click on the "Request Change" link. As user click on the cancel link a pop box appears.
User has to enter the reason of cancellation in the remark box. After filling the reason of cancellation user needs to Click on "Send Request" button. (Please refer the below Screen shot)
As user click on the send Request button hotel booking cancellation request has sent to admin and in user booking shows message "Request Sent" and "Request Change" link disappear from the hotel booking in the booking queue.
On Receiving cancellation request admin cancel the hotel and process the refunded amount in the user account.
Menu Link : Queues Hotel Bookings
On the right side in the hotel booking queue various filter for searching any specific booking
- Search by booking status
- Restrict by hotel name
- Restrict by Guest name
- Restrict by confirmation no
8.1.1. Search by booking status
Search filters are based on the status of hotel booking. There are basically four status in the user hotel booking queue that is confirmed and canceled, vouchered and not vouchered. Voucher and not vouchered status is only for the international booking. Because in case of international booking voucher does not create along with confirmation no user needs to upload Passport detail and other mandatory documents from his login after that admin verifies the document and if document uploaded by user is valid then only admin generates the voucher corresponding to the hotel booking.
If user wants to see the canceled hotel booking then he needs to check on the "Canceled" check box and click on the "Submit" button.
If user wants to see the confirmed hotel booking then he needs to check on the "Confirmed" check box and click on the "Submit" button.
If user wants to see the vouchered hotel booking then he needs to check on the "Voucherd" check box and click on the "Submit" button.
If user wants to see the not voucherd hotel booking then he needs to check on the "Not voucherd" check box and click on the "Submit" button.
This filter search the booking based on the hotel name. User needs to enter the hotel name and click on the "Submit" button. All the booking having similar hotel name enter in the "Restrict by Hotel name" filter by user would show in the booking queue.
This filter search the booking based on the pax name. User needs to enter the pax name and click on the "Submit" button. All the booking having similar pax name enter in the "Restrict by Guest name" filter by user would show in the booking queue.
8.1.4. Restrict by Confirmation no
This filter search the specific booking based on the Confirmation number. When hotel booking created then a unique number assigned to booking which is visible on the voucher and on the Hotel booking queue as the confirmation number. User needs to enter the confirmation number in the "Restrict by Confirmation no" filter and click on the "Submit" button. Booking having the same confirmation no which is provided by the user in the "Restrict by Confirmation no" filter will display in the bus booking queue.
Request change link is explained above separately